cherry tarot

learning through a diary of personal readings

My first Celtic Cross November 28, 2006

Filed under: Readings,tarot — cherrytarot @ 2:26 am

My ex appears to be making friendly advances. What is the current situation and how can I move things in the right direction?

1. This covers me: King of Swords. This is the substance of the question, the problem at hand, influences, the state of me, and the general atmosphere. This is where I am in regard to the question.

2. This crosses me for good or ill: Seven of Pentacles
This shows the nature of obstacles and opposition or the lack of them. This card shows conflicts, challenges, opportunities and resources.

3. This is beneath me: The Tower (nb: came out reversed but I had accidentally turned the deck round).
This card shows the past, repetitive behaviour, motivations and the roots of the current situation.

4. This is behind me: The World
Influences just passing out of existence. Events, feelings, communications, situations.

5. This crowns me: The Sun
Potentiality, goals, options, intentions, development, possibilities, opportunities, new directions, and possibly the best outcome. Relates to card 2: card 5 shows how to resolve the situation.

6. This is before me: The Magician
Forthcoming circumstances and influences. New people, fresh ideas, future situations. What will happen in the next six weeks. Requires attention and action.

7. This is my Self: Nine of Cups
Where I stand on the issue. My state of mind, self-view, feelings, attitudes, secret wishes, how I see the situation.

8. This is my environment and those around me: The Heirophant.
How people are me view the matter, my interactions with those people. The opinions of people I know. How outside influences may affect the outcome.

9. This is my hopes, fears and expectations: Seven of Cups
Clarifies what I fear as well as what I expect or want. Positive = hopes and wishes. Negative = fears and doubts. Unexpected factors that will affect the outcome.

10. This is what will come: Five of Pentacles
Where the matter is leading. The most likely resolution. The culmination of all the cards. Compare with 5 and 6.

I’ll now go through my interpretation.

At the moment, I am in command of the situation. I am being rational and using my head. If I can be patient and carefully assess events, I can turn this into opportunity.

The situation arose from the collapse of an old way of life which caused shock, havoc, instability and unavoidable change. A natural conclusion has just come to pass.

There is a potential for satisfaction and a potential to achieve my goal of emotional well being. Relates to card 2: be patient.

In the next six weeks I will need to focus and adapt. I will need to take action to solve problems. I am the master of my own fate. I can manipulate nature to achieve goals. I long to have my desires fulfilled. I really want my dreams and wishes to come true and for this difficult phase to end.

I am surrounded by people with wise and helpful advice to offer.

I hope for romantic resolution and have a tendency to rely on escapism. I fear my inability to cope wth reality.

The outcome looks bleak for this question. I could be disappointed and lonely and have hard times ahead. I pulled a clarification card: Queen of Swords. She suggests independence.

I am really pleased with this reading, although I was surprised to get the outcome I got, given the amount of positives and majors I received.


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