cherry tarot

learning through a diary of personal readings

The 7 Hathors Spread December 5, 2006

Filed under: Readings,tarot — cherrytarot @ 1:07 am

1. Your Masculinity/Femininity: The Star
(What personality traits should you have as a man or woman in order to be more sensuous, sexy or appealing.)
Hope, inspiration, luck, harmony, creativity, a sense of direction, education.

2. Your Beautification: Ace of Cups
(What cosmetic, hygienic or fashion sense should you do in order to project a great image onto the world and to improve your self-esteem.)
Water, new love.

3. Your Health: Five of Swords
(What concerns should you have about your nutrition, fitness or sleep patterns in order to have a more harmonious, sensual and sexually appealing body.)
Negative energy

4. Your Spirituality: Two of Cups
(What mental attitude you should take or metaphysical concerns you should have in order to become a positive person so you can live life to the fullest.)
Sharing, warmth, attraction, partnership, co-operation, harmony, union.

5. Your Sexuality: King of Cups
(What concerns you should have in your love and romantic life or sexual activities. If you are in a relationship, it would help you improve bonding with your lover. If you are not in a relationship, this will help to teach you to become a perfect lover for your future mate. This position is suppose to be fun. It is an equivalent to having a sex therapist or a sexually experienced friend teaching you the ways of amour.)
Compassion, elegance, maturity, wisdom.

6. Your Creativity: Justice
(Hathor is the goddess of the arts. It is advised that you learn an art to increase your sensitivity of beauty and to help you feel emotion. You can pick dancing, painting, poetry writing, acting, learning music or cooking. You can add gardening, flower arrangement, crafts, scrapbooking. Whatever you do it must be creative or involves the arts. And you must do it daily or biweekly! The card picked will tell you what you should to do in order to improve your sensibilities as an artist.)
Balance, money management.

7. Your Socialization: King of Wands
(The joy of life is sharing it with others. This card tells you how to relate with family, friends, associates and strangers in order to make a positive impact on them so you can have good memories about each other in the future.)
Livliness, wit, charm, courage, independence, negotiation, activity.

Increasing femininity; the star could simply relate to my career as a performer or perhaps ‘following a star’ – feeling inspired by things and having the energy to follow up ideas.
Beautification: no idea. Drink more water?
Health: Don’t cheat yourself out of eating well and exercising – don’t see these as bad things.
Spirituality: embrace the idea that you will love and be loved again and don’t become bitter.
Sexuality: Again the King of Cups appears…
Creativity: no idea…
Socialisation: Organise meet ups with friends, be comfortable in their company and don’t be scared to be a lone female.


Increasing chances with a love interest

Filed under: Readings,tarot — cherrytarot @ 12:44 am

I did this spread again today. I wanted a general reading on the situation with me and my ex, and this seemed like a nice all-purpose spread for it, despite the name.

1: Me: Strength: Self confidence, self discipline, willpower, non-violence
2: Him: Eight of Swords: Trapped, isolated, stuck in a rut, boxed in
3: How does he see me? Ace of Pentacles: Financial good fortune, beginning of a business venture, prosperity, sexual fulfillment – generally a favourable card for “tangible physical reality”
4: How does he think of me? Page of Pentacles: Education, patience, persistance,
5: How does he feel about me? Tower: Collapse of an old way of life, major transformaton, trauma, surprise, unavoidable change, aggression
6: What are my chances? Ace of Wands: New life, energy, new experiences, fresh ideas, innovation, optimism, confidence, drive, creativity
7: What can I do to increase my chances? Seven of Wands: Hold your own, a position of advantage, courage, self-confidence, conflict, struggle
8: Outcome/advice: Four of Swords reversed: Renewed action, resume activities. Avoid isolation, loneliness, illness

The cards show me gaining confidence and feeling more assured of my own independence. Even though I may feel weak, I am in control and need to remember that. He is in a worse position, possibly feeling dissatisfied and lonely – swords being words, he could feel he has nobody to confide in.

He sees me as getting on well with life, and I think someone has told him I am thinking of quitting school, as his thoughts of me revolve around study and education. The Tower suggests he is aware of the drastic changes that have come about since we split up. Maybe he feels I was a changeable or agressive person?

The Ace of Wands, a fire card, shows potential new beginnings of some kind. As this is not a Cup card, I’d be inclined to think that this is going to be some kind of inspiration that is going to help us start to talk again.

To increase my chances, card 7 suggests sticking with what I am starting to achieve: rely on my own self confidence. These cards have strikingly similar messages, although the Seven of Wands is more outwardly defensive, so perhaps this card is telling me to project an image of strength as well as developing my inner strength slowly.

The outcome and advice card seems aware that I have been isolated and feel I may be getting ill; I think this card wants me to write some emails about my school and job situation and not let these things drift too far.


Goddess Cards to help me feel better

Filed under: Oracle cards,Readings — cherrytarot @ 12:16 am

I have been pulling similar cards since I got my deck, and today is the first time I got a different ‘feel’ from the cards.

Background: I have had ups and downs this week. I have been generally feeling better although I am suffering bouts of loneliness. For the past hour or so, I have been wondering what my ex is up to tonight, as I know he is not at home.

Kuan Yin: “Release judgements about yourself and others, and focus on the love and light that is within everyone.”
Sedna: “You are supplied for today and all of your tomorrows.”
Dana: “You have Divine knowledge that can help others through your spiritual teaching.”

It’s the first time I have had Sedna and Dana. I think Kuan Yin and Sedna relate to anger and sadness – letting go of anger and paranoia while accepting that good times are often followed by bad. Dana can be interpreted as a card of leadership or teaching, but I don’t really know how this card applies to me.